Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Evolution, truth or fiction

I have read that the dinosaurs were around for about 120 million years. It doesn’t appear as though the dinosaurs did all that much evolving in their 120 million years, certainly their table manners didn’t evolve to any great degree in their allotted time. In the next 65 million years the rat evolved into us. But mammals are fast evolvers, I guess.
But maybe the minds of dinosaurs evolved. Surely the ability to think gives an animal a survival advantage. Among the random mutations that evolutionists are so fond of appealing to, surely in 120 million years there must have been a few that gave rise to a better brain. Inside those thick skulls their supposedly tiny brains may have evolved into sensitive, very intelligent minds. Inside, the minds of these beasts may have been constructing poems, symphonies and deep philosophical essays.
The extinction of the dinosaurs could have been a mass suicide of animals that had become depressed that at the end of 120 million years they were still unable to express the sublime thoughts that were trapped inside bodies that couldn’t give expression to those thoughts.
Perhaps they philosophically viewed the impact of an asteroid as a cosmic end to their untenable life on earth.
Since we have no idea of what went on in these early brains it seems to me that one guess is as good as another. Humanity compares all brains and behavior to own, considering its own as the epitome of brains and behavior of all sentient life. Humanity takes as a given that humans have brains of perfect size and operation.


A possibility, besides the rat to human hypothesis, for the appearance of the human species is the alien possibility.
Ancient Chinese used to cross breed the mutations of carp to make truly bizarre fish. But if you toss the mutations into a pond and let them procreate naturally they are back to carp in a few generations. This is true for hybrids generally and is why kernels of hybrid corn won’t grow the hybrid variety but will give the original corn.
So some aliens came to Earth, bred mutant apes and developed a hybrid that we call humans. But as hybrids do, the humans are returning to the animals from whence they came. We did not evolve from apes; we are devolving back to apes.
Apparently evolutionists claim that mutations can become permanent. I am told that the increase in cranial size, which gave room for bigger brains, was one such mutation. But I don’t see how this happened.
Was some woman born with a bigger head and the local studs thought that she was a hottie? Was some stud born with a bigger head and the ladies thought that he would be a good father for their children?
How many of these early proto-humans were so mutated? The death rate in those early years was very high so the likelihood of one mutation spreading would not be large. Did the mutation happen to a lot of beings at the same time? Was this a miracle?
The mutation must have been a dominant trait otherwise I would suppose that the big head mutation would revert back to the small head as the lion fish reverts back to a carp.
I suppose that evolutionists have an answer to these questions but it seems to me that it is not known from whence humans arose just as it is not known from whence the universe arose.
I have an opinion about how Homo sapiens came about. I think that maybe it happened like this:
Life started with one replicating strand of DNA. Since it had no predator it could replicate freely in the primordial soup until it was everywhere in the soup. At this time the radiation hitting our planet was more than at any other time and the likelihood of mutation was great. Further, the mutations would not have predators and would survive on the basis of being fittest; they would multiply freely. My idea is that the different species were started at this point. The big head was inherent in the mutation of a strand of DNA in the primordial soup.
But what do I know? Perhaps some energetic evolutionist will tell me why my opinion is outrageous.

Creationism seems to dump evolution altogether. This would seem to imply that humans are as good as they get. I don’t really see why humans would be created with the urethra running through the prostate gland, a gland, my doctor tells me, enlarges with age which causes some problems for us of advanced age.
I have read that there are something like 400 species of ant in a single tree in the Amazon Basin. That’s a lot of creating in a single day.
As I understand it, Intelligent Design seems to accept evolution but an evolution that is directed by an intelligent designer.
The eye is given as an example of an organ that couldn’t have developed by chance but only with some help from a designer. I don’t see why an intelligent designer wouldn’t have given the eye a little infra-red capability, given it an extra translucent lid to keep dust out on windy days and made it a little more impervious to disease and river worms. The designer gave these properties to some animals, why not us? As a design project I’m not sure I would have given it an A.
But perhaps I expect too much from the designer. Maybe humans are still a work in progress and these little problems will be ironed out in the next million years.
I freely admit that I don’t know how our species came to be on Earth. It is one of many things I don’t know.
Many people claim to know that organically grown vegetables are nutritionally better than vegetables grown using chemicals. Richard Feynman was asked what he thought about this. Feynmann said that maybe they were but he didn’t know and neither did the people who said they did. What he did know was how hard it was to “know” something.

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